
If you want your flowerbeds to be the envy of the block, you need to choose the right plants for your climate. You see, when you choose plants that are well suited to your climate they are better able to take root and produce beautiful foliage and vibrant blooms. On the other hand if you fill your flowerbeds with plants that are not ideal for your climate, they may not grow or they will struggle and not look their best. Luckily, there are many great plants for every climate. Here are 5 helpful tips to help you make your picks.
Know Your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone

The USDA has provided a very helpful tool for determining which plants grow best in which area. The entire United States is broken into 11 distinct zones which are determined by temperature. Take a look at this map and determine which zone you are. Often when purchasing plants or bulbs online or in a catalog information about the ideal hardiness zones will be included.

Look Around You

Another great tip for choosing plants that will grow well in your climate is to simply get out and take a walk. What plants do you see growing in your neighbor's yards? Seeing what people actually grow is a great way to find plants that will prosper in your climate.

Shop at Local Nurseries

Shopping local is a great way to find plants and flowers that will prosper in your neighborhood. As you browse your local nursery, don't be afraid to ask for advice. Ask questions like, "Will this grow well here?" and, "Which plants would you recommend?" to get great advice about the plants that will flourish in your yard. Don't be afraid to speak up and ask for advice. Often nursery owners and employees can be a treasure trove of quality gardening information specific to your local area. They are one of the best resources that you can find.

Follow Planting Instructions

Finding plants that will do well in your local climate is a little more difficult than just finding plants that can grow in your area. Each plant has ideal growing conditions which must be followed if you want to achieve optimal results. For example some plants need full sun to grow. Others do well in the shade. Some need lots of water and others just a little. In addition to finding plants that grow in your area, make sure that you also follow guidelines for planting and caring for these plants. These recommendations can change depending on your climate. For example, tender bulbs like dahlias and begonias must be stored over winter in a warmer indoor environment; however, in warmer climates they can remain planted outside.

See What Works for You

One of the biggest joys of gardening is experimentation. Not every plant that you choose will work out in your soil or climate. Try a variety of different plants and flowers. This will expose you to many options and you can determine which work best for you.
Using these tips and a little perseverance you can quickly find great plants that will prosper in your specific climate. Have fun and always remember that gardening is a journey that will take years to master.

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